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Environment – EU ETS


Dernière mise à jour : 13 nov. 2020

On September 16th, EU Parliament voted in favour of the inclusion of ships of 5000 gross tonnage and above should be included in the EU Emissions Trading System. Swiss Shipowners Association regrets this decision. Considering that the planet is facing a global climate threat, only global solutions fully dedicated to the prevention against global warming should be privileged. In this regard, it is reminded that Swiss Shipowners Association fully supports the implementation of a GHG fund to be discussed by IMO during MEPC 75. This initiative completes a long list of efforts leading to a significant reduction of environmental impact of maritime operations (low sulphur fuels, green technologies,…). As a result, maritime transportation is the less polluting transportation mean. Last, Swiss Shipowners Association is concerned by the impact of regional initiatives on world trade, these measures being of nature to increase the risk of trade tensions between regions.

Swiss Shipowners Association raised its concerns to the Federal Council.

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Swiss Shipowners Association
Rue de Saint-Jean 98
1201 Geneva - Switzerland

Tél : +41 58 715 3773

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